Green Label Initiative: Colombia - Edwin Noreña

Sale Price Price $26.00 Regular Price Unit Price  per 


This labor-intensive, experimental, and artful way of processing coffee comes from one of Colombia's leading producers. The flavors produced by this process are out-of-this-world! When we tasted this coffee, we knew we had to have it. Some have even said, it tastes "purple." Taste and see for yourself!

Producer: Edwin Noreña 

Location: Quindío, Colombia

Process: Purple Honey, Carbonic Maceration

Variety: Yellow Bourbon

Elevation: 1750–1900 masl

Tasting Notes: Fruity pebbles, lemon candy, watermelon

The Process:

Cherries are harvested above 20º brix before soaking in water for 5 hours. Initial cherry carbonic maceration takes place for 96 hours. Coffee is de-pulped, leaving 45% of mucilage for the second cherry anaerobic fermentation of 48 hours, with recirculation of Mossto every 24 hours. Coffee is then sun-dried on African beds for 24 days until moisture reaches 10.5%. Final moisture stabilization for 8-10 days inside a warehouse before coffee is stored in grain pro bags, at which time the coffees are cupped and the lots organized.


Green Label Initiative spinning badge. Signifies our run of limited, special coffees.